Go hiking or cycling

You have rather special company on many bike trips in Zeeland: the fresh sea wind, the view over the water and, near the dike, the ships sailing past. That’s when you’re on the outer dike, as you can be in so many places. On the lee side behind the dike, the landscape varies, its beauty flowing with the tides of the seasons.

The bike-hub system

Build your own network, that’s the idea behind the nicely-named FIKS system. Each part of it is numbered, in both directions, so just work out the wind direction, choose your numbers and you’re away. Wonder what patterns will emerge from 5, 8, 13, 21 or other magic sequences? Up to you! More information?: https://www.zeeland.com/en/visit/things-to-do/cycling/the-fiks-bike-network 

Discover Zeeland on foot

Many people say they see Zeeland best at walking pace (bikers have a similar opinion!). Feel free, just head on out on a walk on the beach, or in a nature reserve. The Zeeland walks network joins up all the dots. A short walk, or a complete multi-day walking holiday, are all laid out literally before you.

Seven networks away

We’ve grouped all our Zeeland walks into seven networks, linking them up as much as possible. Here’s the method: the intersections, we call ‘hubs’ and each hub has a unique number. At each crossing, junction and exit, there are signs pointing to the next hub(s). You work out your own route (from the map) – oh, which ever way you walk, no worries, the numbers are shown in each direction. More information?: https://www.zeeland.com/en/visit/things-to-do/walking/all-walking-routes-in-zeeland